Cleaning a dryer vent is a crucial task to do on a regular basis. A clogged dryer vent is afire hazard,and a clean vent will allow your dryer to operate more effectively. This article teaches youhow to clean dryer ductsfrom outside and from the inside. Cleaningflex ducton a dryer installation is a straightforward process once you have accessed it.
How to Clean Dryer Vent from Inside
- Unplug Dryer- This step is essential for obvious safety reasons.
- Pull Dryer Out Away From the Wall- Working in tight quarters can make the task a little more difficult. Get your dryer out away from the wall so you can easily work on the vent behind it. Locate the hose and take note of where it connects to both the dryer and the wall.
- Loosen 4-inch Clamp-on the Back of the Dryer and Wall- On the back of your dryer, you will find a 4-inch clamp (or circular bracket) that holds the flex duct in place. This clamp can be loosened with a simplescrewdriver.
- Disconnect Flex Duct from Dryer and Wall- Once you get the clamp loosened, you should be able to slip the dryer duct off and begin working easily. Set it to the side where you can easily access it. You will need it later on in the cleaning process.
- Clean Duct/Hole in Wall- It’s not a bad idea to start with your hands. Grab as much lint as you can in big clumps and remove them. To get smaller stuff and the hard-to-reach areas, you can use ashop-vacand suction out any remaining buildup. Some people use anauger/snake toolwith a brush on the end to clean out really bad debris clogs. You can also take aleaf blowerand push debris through the vent and out of the house.
- Clean Out Flex Duct– Use a shop-vac or wire hanger (be careful not to poke a hole in the duct) and try to get out as much debris as possible. A leaf blower can do some work here, too. If it’s bad enough, it might be easier to get a new 4-inch flex duct.
- Re-attach Dryer to the Wall– using the screwdriver and clamps, put the flex duct back the way it was.
How to Clean Dryer Vent from Outside
As you read through these steps, keep in mind that some dryers发泄出刺ough exterior wallswhile othersvent up through the ceilingand roof.
- RemoveVent Cap- Before removing the dryer vent cap, you will need to locate it. If it is fastened with screws, then removal is easy. Sometimes you may find caulking, which you can remove with a razor knife.
- Clean What You Can from the Vent- Once you have removed the vent cap from the outside wall or roof, you can easily clean out the hole that is behind/beneath it.
- Replace Vent Cap- This can easily be done by tightening the screws and adding any extra caulk which you may need.
How Often Should Dryer Vents Be Cleaned?
It’s usually recommended that youclean the dryer duct at least once a year. If your dryer is working too hard because it’s not venting properly, components on the dryer will break.
Save on Flex Duct at PlumbersStock
If you don't want to clean the olddryer duct, then you gotta buy a new one to connect the dryer to the wall vent. You can save here at PlumbersStock on all kinds ofduct and ventsolutions. Did you know that you can findmember pricinghere on certain items (typically name brand, MAP priced items) if you log in? For industry professionals buying in bulk, please consider contacting us directly for extra special pricing and extra savings.
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